Wednesday 11 December 2013

Comments for the "How not to be Moderate" ANM Article

You're welcome to leave polite, factual comments here about the ANM article "How not to be Moderate".


  1. Looks like you have uncovered some more examples of 'double standards' in action. Do as I say and not do as I do is a concept which continues to flourish.

    1. Yeah, can't say it gives me any pleasure, especially when I'm unable to walk at all at the moment, but it's important to document what you don't appear to be able to change. These are all facts, and that is what will count in the end.

      This campaign of censorship, exclusion, smearing and harassment has been going on for a long time now, it's just that more and more people, institutions and even newspapers are getting involved. It's not the first time that's happened, some recent examples are still unravelling, and it won't be the last.

      And as you know Della, the law says that if you have a cause of action you must approach the Courts.

      Cue huge snorts of laughter your end from you and Bob. X
